As a family owned business, We are Dedicated to Excellence and Customer Satisfaction. We are avid shooters and hunters making target stands and targets for other shooters and hunters. We started this business after buying a series of cheap department store targets. We learned that cheap targets would not even last one trip to the range. We progress to larger well built target stands, but found that one bullet in the wrong place and it was time to break-out the welder. So we decided to design and build our own target stands. We wanted them to be durable, with parts that could easily be replaced if necessary. Also, we wanted a stand that was compact and convenient to store, so it could be kept in a vehicle ready to go shooting whenever we were.
223plus targets stands are built with U.S. steel by U.S. workers. Our production team has experience in building high quality, long lasting products. Our head of production has over 30 years experience as a millwright; 20 years of that working on nuclear power plants. When he builds something it stays together. We have done extensive testing on our target stand and targets, firing thousands of rounds to test their durability.
We are here to serve, and stand behind our products so you can buy confidently.